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Samforsk’s annual report 2023

Read the report here

FutuDem Newsletter

Report on the Finnish parliamentary election of 2023

Data protection notice: The Citizens Parliament (in Swedish & Finnish)

Samforsk’s Annual report 2022

Read the report here

New article

  • Can politicians and citizens deliberate together? Evidence from a local deliberative mini-public. Authors: Kimmo Grönlund, Kaisa Herne, Maija Jäske, Mikko Värttö. Link:

Handbook for deliberative mini-publics in municipalities

Marina Lindell receives Academy of Finland research funding

Project title: Is Re-thinking opinion change: the role of framing, communication dynamics and personality. Project decription below.
  • Public opinion is currently driven by increased political polarization. Which aspects of a topic are made salient can affect opinions and limit citizens´ openness to arguments they encounter later on. At the same time, we tend to talk mostly to likeminded others, which can amplify our existing views. How citizens form political opinions and whether this is done in a rational manner are topical issues in democracy research. Deliberative theorists have increasingly acknowledged the centrality of listening to others´ opinions; this project is the first to analyse this empirically. The objective is to develop an integrated model of framing, communicative dynamics and personality to explain opinion change. A combination of quantitative and qualitative methods will put this model to comprehensive empirical test. It brings together hitherto largely unconnected research traditions for the first time, combining social psychology, political behaviour models and deliberative approaches.


Newsletter autumn-22

Newsletter autumn-21

Newsletter spring-21

Newsletter autumn-20

Citizens’ Panel on the Freedom of Expression

  • The conclusions and recommendations of the Citizens’ Panel on the Freedom of Expression in Finland can be read here

Samforsk’s Annual report 2021

Read the report here

Implementing a democratic innovation: Online deliberation on a future transport system

The report can be downloaded from here